
 GoPure Botanicals

GoPure White Thai Kratom is silky smooth powder made of 100% organic Mitragyna Speciosa leaves. Mature leaves are handpicked and carefully dried without any additives. After grounding the dried leaves into fine powder they are tested for any impurities and packed in airtight pouches. We source straight from the origin of the very best quality white thai kratom, pack locally and ship fast and straight to ensure the most fresh and potent aromas for our customers.


Here is some ethnobotanical information about this beautiful White Thai Kratom. Kratom has been used in Thailand for centuries. In traditional worship rituals these highly appreciated leaves were even offered to ancestors and gods. White vein kratom is know in Thailand for its powerful energetic and stimulating powers. Labourers have used this strain to increase productivity and persistence and fight off fatigue.

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Whight & Prices

€14.30 50g, €20.72 100g, €45.86 250g, €81.56 500g


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